Friday the 13th the Game Web Comic


I've been playing Friday the 13th The Game since about the beginning of July.  Overall it's been one hell of a blast.  It's not perfect by any means but it taps into my 80s nostalgia and love of horror movies.  I've got quite a bit of fond memories from the days of sneaking into my living room as a kid and catching Friday the 13th on late night cable.  Good times.

Anyway, this past Monday, IllFonic the developers published a pretty decent sized content patch.  It introduced some alternate maps and some major changes to the game (example: getting rid of team killing in public matches, something trolls were not happy about).  Patch day was what'd you'd expect, lots of lag, shitty servers, bugs, etc.  IllFonic is a small developer, this is their first big game that's got shitload of users, they're experiencing some growing pains and this week has been a test for them.  The Patch was met with a barrage of outrage from the community.  The most notable complaint was a major mechanical change with the way Jason breaks windows in the game.  

Before the patch, Jason would be able to walk up to cabin windows and simply melee them in order to break them.  Breaking windows is a strategic move in the game because players who have to traverse broken windows will take damage due to the broken glass.  After the patch, this changed; Jason would have to walk up to the window and wait for a toggle to appear, at which point hitting a specific button would activate a window breaking animation.  This is frankly a pain in the ass and a nerf to Jason's meta because of how clunky and more time consuming it is.  The cherry on the shit sundae though was the fact Illfonic did not publish such a major change in their patch notes so it surprised everyone.  This comic summarizes the problem but it's still a pretty esoteric joke for the Friday fans.

