Hey there, my name is ZOMBGiEF and this is my website. My adventures in illustration started out way back in the day.  Little ZOMBGiEF loved to draw, a lot!  Mom likes to say I was born with a pencil in my hand.  I bet that hurt.

Comics, Movies and Video Games are a big part of my life and have been huge influences.  Growing up, I fell in love with the iconography of Pop Culture.  You can say, I'm just a big ol' fanboy!  Many hours were spent locked away in my room;  Comics scattered on the floor, a horror movie rockin' on my VCR, pencil and paper in hand.  At first, my approach was to  meticulously emulate the techniques of my favorite artists, then over the years, my own unique look began to emerge.

No one can teach you to enjoy illustration, you either love it or you don't.  You have to love it enough to devote a ton of free time figuring out the processes that work for you.  My style utilizes a combination of traditional tools (pencils, inks, markers and paint)  and some digital love (Photoshop and my trusty Wacom tablet).  I keep an open mind, never limiting myself to one style, like Shidoshi Tanaka taught me in Bloodsport.

As a freelancer I've had the pleasure of working with a broad range of clients; from personal projects to website cartoons and these days, I'm always on the hunt for a fun new gig.  When I am not drawing, I spend my time raising a family, lovin' on my dogs, watching tons of movies and playing a heck of a lot of video games!

Thanks for checkin' this place out, I hope you dig my work!