World of Warcraft Classic: My first week's impressions.

First off, let me start off by saying since they announced WoW Classic two years ago at Blizzcon, I was pretty much on the anti-Classic train. In the months leading up to the release, I was one of the people who believed it was not going to bring back WoW to its glory days of 12 Million monthly subscribers after the hype died down and that too many people were looking back at the game with nostalgia tinted goggles. In many ways, I still believe this is the case but let me preface that by saying that I was wrong about how much I personally would be enjoying the game.

I've been playing WoW since 2005 and I shit on Classic for months, saying things were going to be boring/tedious, how people would hate the absence of all the QoL improvements we've gotten over the years, and that a large chunk of players would quit before they even hit level 40. I said I was likely not going to be playing it long-term, that I would log in and get to level 10 then be done with the game after my trip down memory lane. I didn't activate my sub the day the game came out, I was still on the anti-Classic train even then but it wasn't until the full magnitude of the hype hit me that I was starting to see that I was probably wrong about Classic, in a lot of ways. Little by little guildies who I hadn't seen playing WoW in years started coming back, people I know IRL, started coming back (a few playing for the 1st time) and all of them were pinging me to come play with them. I decided to just bite my tongue and resub, if at all to play with my friends, even if it was for a few weeks, I knew I'd still have a good time.

Right from the beginning, playing Classic felt like riding a bike, as in you never forget the core things about the game that made you love it in the first place and muscle memory kicked in. I jumped right back into the ebb and flow of the questing just how I remembered it 15 years ago. There was however, many details I didn't remember which has lead to many "Oh YEAH! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" warm n' fuzzies. One of the things I criticized about the game adamantly for months, was that same ebb and flow, that slow burn pacing that I said would be boring, well it's not, I was wrong. I have been loving the questing experience and like many have mentioned, the random counters with other players have lead to some charming exchanges which are completely absent from anything retail has to offer. One of my favorites happened just yesterday when I was doing the Blackrock Orc Axe quest in Lakeshire. This quest can be a little tough because the mobs respawn fast and the packs are big. I grouped up with a fellow hunter and we started tackling the experience together. Eventually, funny enough my Gun broke and rather than run all the way back to get it repaired, I just kept chugging along in Melee. Iris (the other person) got her axes before I did, but instead of saying "gg thanks" and leaving me to fend for myself, she stuck it out with me and helped me finish my quest. Getting those last 2 axes took quite a few packs (and at least 10 min) but we did it together. She didn't have to stay, had this been retail she'd of vanished like a fart in the wind (on to the next quickly digested World Quest if we even had to group at all), but she stayed and made sure some total stranger completed their little piece of the journey. It's the little moments like these that make up the DNA of WoW that snared all our hearts many years ago and it's something retail WoW desperately needs.

With that said, I am no Classic purist and feel the game has A LOT of flaws that have been corrected through years of innovation. Many of the user experience functionality that is gone, well I wish it was back because there are moments when I'm downright annoyed and frustrated with how old the game can feel. There's things that take too long, such as the drop rates on some quest items seem unreasonable, the re-spawning of specific quest mobs (Defias Messenger) are stupid, Quest Givers not showing up on your minimap, not automatically tracking quests, not being able to sort by stack sizes in the AH. etc. Ultimately, they're mostly minor annoyances, many of which can be corrected by add ons but they are there. One big one is the lack of group finder functionality, I think having to spam "LFM [insert Dungeon or Quest Title here]" in chat menus hoping somebody sees it is archaic in 2019 and a simple group finder tool that allows people from the server (only, no x-realm shit) find each other so they can do other things while they also look for a group wouldn't IMO break the game much.

With all this said, my absolute favorite thing about WoW Classic has been the new breath of life the community has been given, tons of old people coming back and even new people who didn't play the game before finally trying it for the very first time. This proves that there is still an appetite for this MMO we all love and my hope is that Blizzard is learning and that they apply all the things about Classic that hook people in and keep them engaged into retail. The future of Classic is still up in there air, I don't think it will ever die at this point and I'm happy that people who are those hardcore purist out there have this official version of the game to play forever. For myself, I'll probably hit level 60 and go from there. I might keep playing I might not, in the end I think the game is awesome.

Behind the Scenes on my Tyler1 Collaboration Project with Riot Games

In December of 2018, one of Riot's Comic and Art content managers reached out to me asking if I wanted to collaborate on a special project; Wanna draw a cheeky comic to remind Twitch streamer Tyler1 to stay reformed during the next season of League of Legends?  Immediately I jumped on board, after all, this is the sort of thing that fuels my troll cartoonist's soul!

Right from the start the idea of Draven writing standards on a classroom chalkboard in detention was the vision for the piece.  Immediately my mind went to creating a spoof of the opening scene from the Simpson's with Bart in the classroom at Springfield Elementary, hearing the bell ring and jumping off.

Discover & share this Bart Simpson GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

However, the idea was scrapped when it was clear we wanted to keep it to a one panel illustration (as they were going to print the piece out and send it to Tyler as a gift). The gag simply wouldn't fly without at least three sequential panels telling the story. 

With the "chalkboard" concept locked in.  I went to work on my first thumbnail.  I decided to set the context within League of Legend's Academy Skin series because it is in a classroom after all:


In this original thumbnail (pictured above), the concept was in its simplest form.  An Academy Draven (representing Tyler1) writing "I will not be toxic next season" with his fingers crossed behind his back and a devilish grin, implying mischievous intentions.  A Headmistress Fiora (representing Riot keeping a close, watchful eye) sitting at her desk, looking towards Draven with a suspicious gaze.  All in all, this was a good start to the concept but it lacked something so I went back to the drawing board...


In this 2nd, rougher thumbnail, I decided to tweak Draven a little more, we got rid of the crossed fingers, the wording on the standards changed to "I will be Toxic!" because an alpha Draven wouldn't be subtle (so I thought at the time, more on this later) and Fiora would now be charging towards Draven presumably to administer some much needed discipline.  Feeling this was a solid concept, I got the go-ahead to move forward and render line art that would be the foundation for the final illustration.  There was still something about Draven I wasn't happy and after a few back and forths with the awesome Ben over at Riot, we landed on making Draven more representative of Tyler instead of a pseudo Academy Draven skin.


Here we have the first line art I produced for the piece based on my 2nd thumbnail sketch.  My main focus at this stage was finalizing Draven’s look.  I ditched the fur-collared coat in favor of a "Reformed" tank top.  I decided to make him right handed so that we could use his left hand to position a spinning Draven ax key-chain to add a little cocky flair on that side of the page.  Most importantly with Draven, I finally nailed the design I wanted; the hair, the "AH HA!" Draven expression and overall, I felt confident he was 95% finished at this point.  Fiora on the other hand was still very much in draft form.  I felt her look, overall was fine and it fit with the Draven however proportions were off in some areas and the perspective still need to be tweaked but ultimately it didn't matter too much…

Shortly after I sent this proof for review, Riot came back requesting a significant edit.  This whole time Riot's team had been talking to Tyler's girlfriend Macaiyla behind his back planning the surprise and since Tyler streams from his living room where family often visits, we all felt the sexy teacher "spanking the bad boy" angle might be a little too much.  The question then was, who would replace her as the teacher representing Riot?

T1_Draven_Comic_Line_Ryze_Proof  line.jpg

We settled on Ryze (which really should’ve been the first choice in hindsight but this is the beauty of the creative process) in his Professor skin as Fiora's replacement and honestly, I liked this concept a hell of a lot better.  The idea was simple, Ryze would be coming out of a portal with a "hmmpf" arms crossed expression communicating his disapproval of the cheeky Draven being a bad boy.  We refined Draven even more; the ripped jeans were ditched in favor of sportier sweats, a look we felt was more synonymous with Tyler's personal style and shaved his arms because I planned on adding a Dravenisque tribal tattoo.  Riot asked if we could also include T1’s cats Nelson and Theo which I think ended up fitting in quite nicely, adding a cute little personal flair.  I gotta say, League of Legend's Academy is pretty cool to let students bring in their cats to class!


Wa-lah, the finalized line art.  Small tweaks included enlarging the eyes on the Theo (cat on the right) to really communicate the "Oh crap!". 

Ryze got a little beefer (do you even lift bro?). Probably due to the fact the whole time I was drawing him, I was picturing X-Men's Beast in my mind and monologuing as Kelsey Grammer. My confidence in the composition at this point was rock solid and it was time to move froward into the coloring stages.  

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Bam! The "flats" as I call them.  This is where I start to think about a color palette.  In all the times I've watched Tyler's stream, I noticed he wears a lot of blues and grays so I wanted Draven's attire to fall in that color scheme. All in all, it was a good start and after the go-ahead from Riot, I started the rendering process which, I must admit, I got carried away with...


Here we have the first fully rendered version I completed. I've always described my art style as a moody, Synthwave fueled nostalgia dream.  It's my natural tendency to take my art in this direction.  Lot's of purples, pinks and blues giving it a very Technoir vibe which ultimately just didn't fit the scene.  After-all this is a classroom, not a dance club rocking Kavinksy tracks.   Additional details here which made it to the finalized version included Draven's tank top going from blue to orange to add more diversity to the palette,  the motion lines on the ax key chain, the notebook paper flying into the wind as Ryze enters the scene and Draven's tribal tattoo patterns.  Even though I actually like this version a lot, I had to tone down the moody lighting and brighten the scene up.


...and here we have the final version.  Between the image before and this final one, there was a few editorial changes which I feel solidified the concept.  First and foremost, the facial expression on Draven was changed from the "Ah ha!" I'm being intentionally bad version, to a more "EEK! I just got caught!" the deliberate "I will be Toxic" text was edited to a more subtle, "up to the imagination" line which ultimately makes the whole tone of this project playful vs judgmental, and that was idea from the start.   The very last little detail I threw in was a personal touch; an homage to one of my favorite movies From Dusk Till Dawn by basing Draven's tribal arm tattoo with a similar design to the one George Clooney's character sported in the film.  A little no-life nod I threw in just for nerd points.


I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Riot to pull this off.  I loved the surprise element of the whole thing and watching Tyler opening up the gift live on his stream really tickled my troll sensitivities to no end.  I was giggling like a little kid amused by a fart joke while watching T1 notice all the details in the piece "THERE'S THEO!" 

In December of 2018 Riot reached out to me and asked if I wanted to collaborate on a community content project. They wanted a cartoon created to send to Tyler as a cheeky reminder to stay positive in the new League of Legends season.

I look forward to future collaborations with Riot and really take my hat off to them for the effort they put in fostering an awesome community, full of rich content made by fans, for fans.  

See everyone on the Rift in the 2019 Season and T1, stay reformed buddy!


The doodling reddit Karma Whore.

I've been a reddit lurker for 5 years or so.  Around 2015 I began doodling cartoons as real-time responses to comments on threads.  The doodles are usually relevant witty replies to the conversation and are either directly related to the parent comment or to the OP (Original Post).  Here is the first time I pulled this off back in the League of Legends subreddit in 2015:

My first reddit doodle was a response to a meta question posted in the League of Legends subreddit /r/leagueoflegends.

My first reddit doodle was a response to a meta question posted in the League of Legends subreddit /r/leagueoflegends.

I could probably write a whole guide on my methodology and how I make a specific cartoon land well with the intended audience.  There's a fair bit of luck involved obviously (timing is everything on reddit) but a lot of it is also strategic and then simply being able to execute it in a short window of opportunity.  For me personally, I have a knack of being able to draw cartoons rather quickly, I spend roughly 10 minutes tops on most of these which can lead to a rabbit hole of stupidity when I begin to reply to other users in real-time with additional cartoons.  See below:  

One of my personal favorite responses to one of my doodles was an accusation that I wasn't actually drawing these and simply signing my name on stolen content.  I replied back to the user with this doodle.  Check out the original comment h…

One of my personal favorite responses to one of my doodles was an accusation that I wasn't actually drawing these and simply signing my name on stolen content.  I replied back to the user with this doodle.  Check out the original comment here: 

I do have my own style which I think contributes to the popularity of these throwaway doodles.  The best way I can describe it is a juvenile affinity to dick jokes and Ren & Stimpy influenced vulgarity.  I don't care though, I love it and I think it resonates with others.  I've had success not just with the League of Legends crowd, but with the World of Warcraft sub, Overwatch sub and other smaller communities.  Every so often I hit what I consider a perfect cartoon so I end up taking the original doodle as a draft and eventually flesh it out into an actual web comic. Here's is a notable example:

After this doodle struck a chord with the LoL community, that night I refined the concept even further and developed into a finished web comic.  I posted it the next morning on the sub as a stand alone post and it ended up hitting the front page.  Arbitraty internet points are fucking delicious.

This whole process is without a doubt one of my favorite things to do with my spare time.  I've interacted with so many people over the last two years.  Hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) of redditors have laughed at my silly shit and I couldn't be happier.  I've done hundreds of these yet few ever get to the popularity of the ones I've mentioned so far.  Some of my personal favorites have been duds, killed by bad timing and remain buried in archived reddit threads to never be seen by anybody.  As I mentioned before, luck is the single biggest factor that will determine success: The OP has to be no more than 2-3 hours old, one of the top 3 comments has to be something that you can draw a cartoon off and you have to be able to pull it off fast enough so that it doesn't end up getting buried below other comments, never to be seen.  Besides luck, consistency is the next most important factor.

The payoff to these is anecdotal:  reddit karma (which is rather useless) doesn't do much so it's difficult to translate the success of these into something more tangible.  I've had a few people follow my other social media accounts as a result and grown my little fanbase somewhat but overall, these doodles have done nothing more than given strangers online a chuckle and most importantly, they've inspired me to create more.  Maybe there's something in the equation I haven't cracked yet that will lead to bigger successes, but for now these remain largely a labor of love, and I'll keep on doodlin'.


Friday the 13th the Game Web Comic


I've been playing Friday the 13th The Game since about the beginning of July.  Overall it's been one hell of a blast.  It's not perfect by any means but it taps into my 80s nostalgia and love of horror movies.  I've got quite a bit of fond memories from the days of sneaking into my living room as a kid and catching Friday the 13th on late night cable.  Good times.

Anyway, this past Monday, IllFonic the developers published a pretty decent sized content patch.  It introduced some alternate maps and some major changes to the game (example: getting rid of team killing in public matches, something trolls were not happy about).  Patch day was what'd you'd expect, lots of lag, shitty servers, bugs, etc.  IllFonic is a small developer, this is their first big game that's got shitload of users, they're experiencing some growing pains and this week has been a test for them.  The Patch was met with a barrage of outrage from the community.  The most notable complaint was a major mechanical change with the way Jason breaks windows in the game.  

Before the patch, Jason would be able to walk up to cabin windows and simply melee them in order to break them.  Breaking windows is a strategic move in the game because players who have to traverse broken windows will take damage due to the broken glass.  After the patch, this changed; Jason would have to walk up to the window and wait for a toggle to appear, at which point hitting a specific button would activate a window breaking animation.  This is frankly a pain in the ass and a nerf to Jason's meta because of how clunky and more time consuming it is.  The cherry on the shit sundae though was the fact Illfonic did not publish such a major change in their patch notes so it surprised everyone.  This comic summarizes the problem but it's still a pretty esoteric joke for the Friday fans.



In Memory of Scarab Lord Snazzy

Anybody who played World of Warcraft in its original version, what we call Vanilla WoW today remembers just how much longer it took to accomplish anything in that game.  Thus by proxy, the hours one spent playing with others, the more you got to know them and sooner or later, some pretty awesome friendships bloomed.  I was very fortunate to encounter a group of players who has managed to remain close friends over the years.

Our guild Overkill was led by a special guy named Snazzy.  Back then Snazzy was just a voice on vent, a personality to interpret based on the conversations that transpired and in my mind, he always appeared as The Dude from The Big Lebowski, mainly because he was one hell of a chill guy, a little bit of a hippy and just an all-around happy dude who chuckled his way into your heart as you heard the ice clinks from his Scotch on the rocks through Ventrilo.  Back then, on our server, Snazzy was somewhat of a celebrity because Overkill was far and away the most successful guild our little realm had.  I was first introduced to Snazzy by my real-life friend who’d been playing with him since beta and I remember how in awe I was of his full epic gear and how quickly he melted the Horde during late night Tarren Mill & Southshore battles.  Back then, running into players with epic gear in every slot didn’t happen often.

As I moved up the chain within the guild, I got to experience many things with Snazzy including opening the gates of AQ and watching him complete the Scarab Lord achievement.  When the guild finally went on hiatus in 2008 Snazzy managed to keep a few of us loyal members to stick around, by then we didn’t really care much for raiding anyway and preferred smaller scale stuff like arenas and battle grounds.  This smaller group became even closer friends and our little merry band of miscreant old farts chugged along as filthy casuals through every expansion.  Although all of us would take breaks from the game from time to time, we’d always find our way back to Overkill, to our vent server and to each other.

I’ve considered Snazzy a friend for over a decade and a little over a week ago I and the rest of our online group of friends were shocked and heartbroken to learn he had tragically passed away.  It’s a weird feeling to mourn for a person you’ve never met in the flesh yet share a bond of friendship with.  I’ll never get to talk to Snazzy again but I will never forget him.  Over the last week I’ve worked on this drawing of his character as tribute and to help with my own feelings of sadness.  This is how I will always remember Snazzy; during the peak of Vanilla WoW, rocking a full set of Mage Tier 2, melting Horde with a barrage of fireballs.  Rest in Peace Scarab Lord Snazzy, Azeroth will never be the same without you.

Scarab Lord Snazzy, Guild Master of Overkill

Scarab Lord Snazzy, Guild Master of Overkill